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                Ball valve

                Ball valve

                Q911F Ball valve

                Q911F Ball valve

                Electric and pneumatic ball valves are widely used in military and aerospace. Ship heavy industry, nuclear industry, petrochemical, electric power, chemical, light industry, machinery, scientific research, drying equipment, food, medical, cleaning equipment, pipeline media automation control and other fields.

                • Quality
                • Price
                • Fast
                Complete solenoid valve solution
                Salse:+86-577-86989863 13456060066
                Service:+86-577-86926655 85857018
                • Summary
                • Model
                • Parameter


                Electric and pneumatic ball valves are widely used in military and aerospace. Ship heavy industry, nuclear industry, petrochemical, electric power, chemical, light industry, machinery, scientific research, drying equipment, food, medical, cleaning equipment, pipeline media automation control and other fields.


                1. The pressure loss is small: the water loss is zero when the valve is fully open, the flow channel is completely unblocked, and the medium is not deposited in the cavity in the valve body.

                2, suitable for high flow rate medium: straight through the flow channel, a solid eccentric crankshaft makes it suitable for high flow rates and no vibration.

                3, long life: no wearing parts, due to eccentricity, no friction between the sealing surface when the valve is opened and closed, the service life is long.

                4. The excellent structure of the valve seat, precisely processing a special wear-resistant sealing ring on the inner side of the support surface of the valve seat. When the sealing ring is seriously worn, a temporary metal-to-metal seal is formed between the sealing pair and the ball body, and the valve packing gasket is resistant. High-temperature graphite material ensures that the valve does not leak when high temperature occurs.

                5. The valve has compact structure, flexible opening and closing, and convenient installation and maintenance.


                Path range: DN10~DN150 control mode: switch type and regulation type

                Power supply voltage: DC12~220V; AC24~380V.

                Body material: stainless steel, SS304, SS316, SS316L.

                Applicable medium: water, steam, oil, corrosive fluid, etc.

                Pressure range: 0~6. 4MPa

                Temperature range: 0~ ( +120, +200, +250 ) °C

                Protective performance: dustproof, waterproof and explosion-proof. Choose according to working conditions

                Connection method: flange, welding, internal thread (external thread and special interface can be customized or twisted).