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                About Us

                About Us

                Xinzhou Valve was established in 2000. It is a comprehensive production enterprise of industrial control fluid control valve integrating scientific research, design, development, production and sales.

                The company mainly produces industrial control solenoid valves, angle seat valves, ball valves, gate valves, check valves, globe valves, sanitary valves and other stainless steel valves. The products are widely used in pharmaceutical, fine chemical, oil and gas, biotechnology, brewing, electric power, Edible, oil products, construction engineering, source machinery water treatment equipment and other automation equipment industries. We have excellent mechanical processing and testing equipment, advanced production technology, perfect testing system, high-quality staff team and advanced quality management system. Our products are well received by the domestic market with exquisite appearance, reasonable price and excellent service. The trust of foreign customers, the products have been sold at home and abroad.

                Xinzhou Valve adheres to the development tenet of “Quality-based, Product Innovation” and the business philosophy of prompt and effective service of customer service, adheres to the enterprise spirit of “product innovation, quality development” and flexible and diversified management system, keeping up with the market. Demand, improve product quality, dedication to provide quality products and services for new and old customers to ensure customer satisfaction.