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                High pressure solenoid valve

                High pressure solenoid valve

                B41ZT High pressure solenoid valve

                B41ZT High pressure solenoid valve

                High pressure gas filling system: petrochemical, electric power, machinery, medical, scientific research, filling, building, combustionengine, pipeline medium automatic control and other fields.

                • Quality
                • Price
                • Fast
                Complete solenoid valve solution
                Salse:+86-577-86989863 13456060066
                Service:+86-577-86926655 85857018
                • Summary
                • Model
                • Parameter


                High pressure gas filling system: petrochemical, electric power, machinery, medical, scientific research, filling, building, combustionengine, pipeline medium automatic control and other fields.


                Small size; Exquisite type; Differential pressure start, quick switchand good sealing; Autocratic coil, not easy to burn; It is suitable forpipeline automation control of high pressure system.


                It is a combination principle of direct operation and  pilotoperation. After power is applied, the electromagnetic forcedirectly opens the pilot small valve, leading the medium in theupper chamber, reducing the pressure, leading the main valve coreupward and passing the fluid medium. After the power is cut off,the pilot valve closes the pilot valve port under the urging of springforce or medium pressure, and the valve core moves downward toclose the valve port and cut off the fluid medium.